In 2015, we received a call from the Ventura County Fire Department, asking us if we could help them with an engineering problem. They had recently purchased a commercial 500 gallon tank to be used for drafting and pumping training evolutions. The issue was that this makeshift setup was not up to the task. The off-the-shelf unit cavitated excessively, making the training device virtually useless.
Our president, Walt Dorn, a retired third generation private sector first responder, was motivated to come up with a sensible solution to enable departments to train properly using full-flow water evolutions while capturing and recirculating the massive amounts of water used for training. The solution was the Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit. Initially created as a mobile training unit for Drafting and Pumping Evolutions, the Pump-Pod™ DRAFTS Unit has evolved into the ultimate training tool for engineers, candidates and firefighters.
The Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Units allow firefighters and engineers to train, practice, develop and test using full flow water!

FULL FLOW WATER TRAINING has been drastically reduced in recent years due to extreme drought conditions and mandates from the western states water districts regulating fire department water flow for training purposes. The reduction in FULL FLOW WATER Training could adversely affect our fire departments and first responders’ skill sets by limiting the overall operational training that our engineers and firefighters need to practice and hone their specific skill sets. Still,
“Firefighters and Engineers must train the same way they fight fire – as if their lives depend upon it because – they do!!”
By capturing and immediately recirculating all water used for training and exercises, between the target and the fire engine, the Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Units allow for virtually unlimited full-flow training without wasting precious water.
During Research and Development, and after a year of “real world” testing and actual water flow of over a million gallons, the Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit has proven to be the real deal and a literal game changer for fire departments. We have let the professionals work with and try and “break” our Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit, to no avail.
Each unit has proven proficient and up to the task. Once firefighters get their hands on Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit they immediately see the benefits and real value that these units bring to their departments.
We also started talking with the Water Districts and local and State Governments in an effort to save literally BILLIONS of Gallons of fresh drinking that otherwise would be discharged into storm drains or into the environment in violation of the Clean Water Act of the Dry Weather Run Off regulations.
The Metropolitan Water District serving Southern California has seen the DRAFTS Unit in action and it says it will qualify for a funding program called the Water Savings Incentive Program (WSIP) that may fund up to 50% of the purchase price depending on water savings projections or actual historical water usage.
Our goal is to provide every Fire Department in the world a cost effective, High Tech reliable training solution. Our Pump Pod™ is that solution for any department, trade and training school or academy that has a need for full flow water training and water conservation.
We want to have a major impact on water conservation. Water is a treasured commodity that we all take for granted and, one day, if we squander this precious resource, it simply might not be there for fire departments to train with. We at Pump Pod USA want to do our part to ensure that the next and all future generations have plenty of life-giving water.
Pump Pod™ is a subsidiary of Think-Pod Inc.; a collaborative approach to innovation through a collective of experienced professionals and experts; working to provide environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions to meet some of the world’s economic, social and environmental needs.
Thank you for your time and we hope you join our effort in being Water Wise.
Contact us at: info@pumppodusa.com or call us at (844) 766-5763