The Pump Pod™ – “DRAFTS” Unit makes for a better alternative to the dirty, contaminated, antiquated and expensive to install and properly maintain: “Pump Pit”
Be prepared for dynamic air OPS with our innovative HeloPod® Tank.
This adaptable, customizable, relocatable, HeloPod® tank delivers water to your air units anywhere!
Avoid the many “Pitfalls” of a Traditional Water Drafting Pit
Avoid the hard and soft costs of maintenance and health/ cancer risks now being associated with them.
HeloPod® provides dip source where needed to put out fires!
Put water in remote locations for supporting aerial firefighting with the HeloPod® helicopter dip source!
The Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit will save water and improve training!
The revolutionary new Pump Pod™ DRAFTS UNITS help ensure that all first responders are fully trained, their equipment fully tested and maintained while enabling Fire Departments to comply with strict water restrictions during extreme drought conditions. Support your current and ongoing fire engine pumping operator and engineer training while saving millions of gallons of water within your community by recycling the same water used for full-flow training.

Utilizes water normally wasted during extended training operations without cavitation or overheating by recycling water between the pumping engine and the pod…

Features and Benefits
DRAFTS Units save water – time and money. Estimates show the units paying for themselves in months, not years from the water savings alone...

Most of these units are customized per order. Each DRAFTS Firefighter Training Unit can be built to suit your Department/Agency requirements and specifications…