This page contains many videos regarding the Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit. News Items, then departmental training videos are shown on top, with additional demonstrations lower on the page. Check out all of the awesome water savings ability of these units.
In The News
KCRA 3 TV News (Sacramento) covered Sacramento METRO Fire while they were using a DRAFTS Unit during an Engineer’s Academy test.
Additional coverage is located here.
KTXL Fox TV News (Channel 40 in Sacramento) covered a Sacramento Metro demonstration.
Training Videos
This Training Video is an introduction to Glendale Fire’s new training tool, the DRAFTS Unit by Pump Pod USA. The video identifies important parts and locations around the unit. It provides not only a basic walkaround, but also some details of the specific setup chosen for usage by Glendale Fire.
Glendale Fire produced this video to show personnel how the Unit is used with a Single Engine with the use of the Portable Hydrant. This example shows the team setting up the Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit at the Training Center. Many Departments have set-up behind a local fire station where it can be used while still in In-Service giving more hours of training and less travel time to and from the Training Center.
In this video, Glendale Fire is instructing the Users how to set-up the Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit using the pressurized Portable Hydrant. Here, they have connected the hoses statically to rear bulkhead Nozzle mounts. A Second Engine (Training Engine) connects to a pressurized Portable Hydrant instead of the city Training Center hydrant. After that, the Second Engine connects to Truck to supply water to Aerial nozzle. The Truck’s Ladder operator practices target accuracy while water is flowing and while ladder is being elevated.
Glendale Fire Department created this excellent video to show their teams the trailer setup, and how to reset it after each use in the field.
This video shows a setup in North County Zone (San Diego) that uses the Engine located at front end of DRAFTS Unit as recirculation pump which pressurizes the Potable Hydrant just in front of second Engine. Firefighter practicing using the Deck Monitor “Deck Gun” trying to aim into rear of a Pump Pod™ DRAFTS Unit.