
Now with dozens of Pump PodTM Units in operation throughout California, the water savings are adding up quickly as we will surpass 100,000,000 gallons saved per year by the end of the first quarter of 2023!

By popular request, PumpPodUSA has streamlined our Pump Testing Manifold for the Pump PodTM – DRAFTS Unit. This streamlined Pump Test manifold will continue to greatly increase the water savings and further help the environment by eliminating the Dry Weather Run-Off at full flow rates up to 2,000 gallons per minute. This improved Pump Test Assembly will also make the Pump PodTM more user friendly for the Fleet departments who usually maintain and test the pumps.

Traditionally departments have performed very limited training utilizing what are known as pump pits.

These Pits have a significant design limitation for flow during training. Utilizing the traditional Pit, you simply can’t capture any of the dynamic flows from all type appliances and nozzles. The Pump PodTM is a true game changer for training and now pump testing.

When using the portable hydrant that comes as standard equipment with each Mobile or Static Pump PodTM DRAFTS Unit, it enables you can capture and recirculate virtually all the water during the training evolutions you perform today.  Including initial attack drills like “Race for Water”, etc., drafting evolutions and Full Flows from all your master streams: Deck & Ground Monitors, even flows from Ladder Pipes and Aerial nozzles to the Roof Target.

The Pump PodTM DRAFTS Unit allows for newly established “Best Practices” that allow for water capture/ recirculating ana encourage the return to Full Flow practice, training and testing using real world flows that the firefighters and engineers will see during their careers.

The Pump PodTM DRAFTS unit helps with compliance to the Federal and State EPA / Clean Water Act provisions.